Martyn Filsak

Hi.  I’m Martyn.  Many of you will have known me for a while already as I have been a local preacher in this circuit since its formation, and prior to that in the Stour Valley and Stour Vale circuits.  Some of you will have encountered me at Circuit Stargazing or other astronomy-themed events that I have been involved in.  My membership is at the United Church, Lye, since 2006.

My work experience elsewhere has been varied, and has included working as an administrator and training provider in Local Authority settings, an adult education tutor for statistics, maths and astronomy courses, and a Methodist Lay Worker in South Wales.  Before my first lay worker post I studied for a year at Cliff College.

I would like to run a series of studies on God and Science, looking at evidence from science, history, archaeology and biblical prophecy that backs up the story of our faith.  If this would be of interest in your church or home group, please contact me.

Current responsibilities:

  • From November 2023 I am lead contact for Overend and Providence, in addition to pastoral duties there
  • Assist the ministers of Providence, Overend and Wesley with pastoral care and the general running of the churches
  • Help with particular initiatives on a church, community or circuit level, for example outreach, Bible study (currently running online Thursday evenings), the Friday Bible Study held at Wesley (1.30pm) open to anyone inside or outside of the Circuit.  For the winter months 2023 into 2024 the Wesley Bible Study is meeting in a participant's home (contact me for details) but will move back to Wesley in the spring.

STARGAZING NEWS: Circuit Stargazing was held on Saturday 2024 March 16 at Overend Methodist Church.  IT RAINED but it didn't dampen enjoyment of the occasion.  A good number of families and individuals attended and shared food and drink and fellowship.  Instead of the actual sky there was a slide presentation using images from planetarium software to show what might be visible in the sky in forthcoming evenings.  Look out for announcement of further Stargazing events from autumn 2024 onwards.



  • Day off : Monday