
Latest News from the Methodist Church

Latest News on Justice and Public Issues

Questions on the Christian Faith


A Pastoral Message on facing Changing the Church - YouTube link
courtesy of our District Chair, Rev Rachel Parkinson

Methodist Church centrally provided resources - to help nourish your spiritual life on a daily and weekly basis

A Green Recovery - a call from Methodist Faith Leaders 

Justice for all - take a look at the Church's perspective on Justice in the light of recent events across the world…

(Links updated Saturday 29th June)

Please click on any of the links below, to go to...


Please be aware that some of the links on this page may take you to external sites, and although they have been checked,
the Vale of Stour Circuit is not responsible for their contents.


The Vale of Stour Preaching Plan for the June to August 2024 quarter
can be found on the Links / Preaching Plans page here.


Dear Circuit Family

Love, Pray, Vote

The election is almost upon us and whilst all ministers and preachers are warned in their training not to preach party politics from the pulpit, we also know that Jesus’ ministry was utterly rooted in care and concern, love, for people, especially those on the margins - the poor, the oppressed, the sick, the unforgiven.  Jesus taught us to pray - ‘your kingdom come on earth as in heaven’.  And of course Christ’s Kingdom Values are rooted in the greatest command, to love God and our neighbour, to seek to serve rather than be served and to build a just and right society.  As Wesley put it; “there is no holiness but social holiness”.  At the time Wesley was pushing back against kind of privatisation of faith.  What he meant was that we cannot claim to be a Christian, to have a personal living relationship with God by grace, through faith - if we are not also, actively engaged in the welfare of our neighbour.   It is within community - committed to Kingdom Values - that our full faith is realised.

As the JPIT Team rightly summarise :
The UK is navigating complex political terrain, with deepening economic inequality, climate change, and the treatment of the most vulnerable at the forefront of public discourse. Globally, geopolitical tensions, economic instability, and environmental crises add layers of complexity to our decision-making processes.

Yes - I know this can be overwhelming but in Matthew 6, Jesus, in His care for His followers, reminds them of God’s care for them in times of difficulty. Implicit in His encouragement is a gentle but firm challenge for them to recognise those moments where they may experience feelings of being overwhelmed: “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life” (Matthew 6:25).

This statement has profound implications for how we, as Christians, should live in times of uncertainty, for in times of uncertainty, one thing remains certain: the sovereign care of a loving God. Once convinced of this certainty, we are able to collaborate with God's activity in our everyday lives.

This statement has profound implications for how we, as Christians, should live in times of uncertainty, for in times of uncertainty, one thing remains certain: the sovereign care of a loving God. Once convinced of this certainty, we are able to collaborate with God's activity in our everyday lives.

So - as the Joint Public Issues team puts it - as Christians we seek to ‘Love, Pray and Vote’.  Whatever our politics, we need to engage in the process.

So we pray :

Loving God,
Now that the election is close, hear our prayers for our country, the campaign and the vote. We pray for those who are standing for election, for their safety, and for their willingness to listen, to speak and to serve their communities.
We pray for truthfulness and kindness to prevail as the issues are debated.
We pray that each of us will be inspired to use our voice and our vote for your goodness and glory.  
Inspire us, God, to Love, to Pray and to Vote.  Amen.

On a Lighter Note :

One of our Team suggested these Hymn Choices for the Sunday after the election:

If the vote goes the way you wanted ... Now thank we all our God

If the vote goes against what you wanted ... O God our Help in Ages Past

If an unexpected party wins ... God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform

Well - it made me smile!

Rev Alan and the Circuit Team


The latest Newsletter from Claire Biggs, our Childrens and Family Worker, is attached.

THANK YOU – from Margaret Kite

Thank you to the CLT and Circuit for the lovely flowers and good wishes as I step down as a Circuit Steward.  I will continue to pray for and support the Circuit in the journey ahead.


Dudley Wood – Coffee morning

Dudley Wood Methodist Church Coffee morning is on Wednesday 3rd July at 10:30am.
The speaker will be Mr Alan Peace: Across the roof of Africa - Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro ‘His dream’.
A poster is attached.

Songs For A Summer Evening

Brierley Hill Methodist Church present Songs For A Summer Evening on Saturday 6th July at 7:30pm, featuring Singing For Pleasure. Tickets £5, including tea or coffee, with all proceeds to Church Funds. A poster is attached.

Circuit Summer Service

Our Circuit Summer Service is on Sunday 7th July at Wollaston Methodist Church at 6pm, with guest Preacher, Rev Andrew Sankey.
Tea and Coffee from 5pm.
All are welcome to come and be blessed as we share in worship together.

Christian Aid - 7th July at 7pm on Zoom

You’re invited to a Zoom service of reflection, thanksgiving and celebration on Sunday 7th July at 7pm.  Whilst this clashes with our circuit service, if you are unable to come out you may wish to attend this instead.
The service will include Rev Canon Dr Ellen Loudon, Director of Social Justice & Canon Chancellor at Liverpool Cathedral and other special guests.

Please sign up here to receive the zoom link:

Wesley Methodist Church

Accord” invite you to travel with them ‘Around the World in Music’ on Wednesday 24th July at 7:15pm at Wesley Methodist Church.
Light refreshments will be served during the interval. Tickets £5 available via church members.

Gig Mill Summer Get-Together – Saturday 27th July

You are invited to a Gig Mill Summer Get-Together on Saturday 27th July from 12 noon to 3pm at 19-21 Norton Road, Stourbridge.

An Afternoon of Fun, Food and Fellowship!  Lunch will be available - Spaghetti Bolognaise, or Vegetarian option with Rice - and cake and refreshments.
A Tombola will be available - any kind offers of extra prizes, please ring 01384 621294! 

There is no charge, though any donations will be given to local Charities.  A Poster is attached.


Activities at Brierley Hill Methodist Church

Brierley Hill Methodist Church begin a weekly Men’s Fellowship Group, on Tuesdays from 2:00pm-3:30pm.  Initial activities are Chess, Dominoes, Local History or Current Affairs, Music, Poetry, Quizzes, Bible study and Bible meditation.  A leaflet is attached here with more information"All are welcome in this place."

Activities at Providence Methodist Church

Providence Fellowship Group extend a very warm welcome for anyone to come along and share time together, held on alternate Mondays from 10.30am till 12noon. There is normally a speaker. Refreshments are available. For more information please contact Judith Morris 01384 561020.

Providence Brunch Club will be restarting again in March 2024, weather permitting. See the attached poster for more details.

Activities at The United Church Lye

First Tuesday of the month - 2-3 pm Tuesday Club, informal gathering with different activities each month. Cost is £2 : contact Jacqueline Hill for details 0780 1030844 or Elizabeth Long 07928 808772.

Third Tuesday - Discussion Group 7-8pm (very informal, Bible based) contact Revd Chris on 07708 750142

The Luncheon Club now meets each Friday at 11am, 3 course meal plus friendship all for £5. Contact Margaret Mullett on 07904 514764.

Events are open to all.

Amblecote Wordsley Methodist Church are now holding Foodbank CollectionsTuesdays from 1:30pm till 4pm.


VOS Virtual Platform - Please Make Use of the Circuit Online Meeting Space - It's free, funded by the circuit...

Alongside VoSWorship, the Circuit Platform has been undergoing an update thanks to the CTC team and I encourage churches to use this FREE resource - funded by the circuit for online gatherings such as Bible Study, Prayer, Games Nights etc.  It's a fantastic and easy to use environment and there are many folk already trained across the circuit who can open a room for you to host your event / meeting.

God bless you all and may you know the sustaining presence of God in your lives.

Rev Alan Combes

ONLINE Service

We are no longer providing a weekly pre-recorded circuit service.  However, for anyone unable to attend church or access online services; we attach a full text version of a service for you to use at home.

We also recommend any of the following for those of you still unable to get to church :

ONLINE Service Live-streamed from Kinver.

This will be the first video (on the left) under UPLOADS > PLAY ALL at the following site :

The most recent online services are the other videos found on the same page.

The dates of all the Kinver services are shown beneath each video thumbnail.

Wesley's Chapel’s YouTube channel has a livestreamed service at 11am on Sundays and Morning Prayer services the rest of the week at 10am.
Again, this will be the first video (on the left) under HOME > Past live streams, and the most recent online services are the other videos found on the same page.

The dates of all the Wesley services are shown beneath each video thumbnail.

All previously archived live-streamed and recorded services can be found on the Circuit Website Virtual Player:

Order of Service
For anyone unable to attend or watch any services in person, this week's full Order of Service is here.

Coffee and a Chat

If you are interested in online coffee on a Sunday, please talk to any of the circuit staff and let us know what time would work for you and we can look at a time that would suit the majority of people.

Thanks to all those working in the background.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday as we continue to pray for our communities, the church and ourselves.

God bless

Rev Alan and the Team



Ministers' and Preachers' Reflections, Sermons, and Orders of Service

For earlier Worship Resources and Reflections, see the archive page here.