
Latest News from the Methodist Church

Latest News on Justice and Public Issues

Questions on the Christian Faith


A Pastoral Message on facing Changing the Church - YouTube link
courtesy of our District Chair, Rev Rachel Parkinson

Methodist Church centrally provided resources - to help nourish your spiritual life on a daily and weekly basis

A Green Recovery - a call from Methodist Faith Leaders 

Justice for all - take a look at the Church's perspective on Justice in the light of recent events across the world…

(Links updated Friday 19th July)

Please click on any of the links below, to go to...


Please be aware that some of the links on this page may take you to external sites, and although they have been checked,
the Vale of Stour Circuit is not responsible for their contents.


The Vale of Stour Preaching Plan for the June to August 2024 quarter
can be found on the Links / Preaching Plans page here.


Dear Circuit Family

Statistics tell us that in the UK around 40% of people are single, through choice or circumstance. Some have never married, those who are divorced, separated or widowed, and those whose status continues to shift. These demographics are, of course, reflected in the life of the Methodist Church.

The Methodist Church has therefore - as part of its focus on celebrating diversity - is encouraging us, quite rightly to consider our welcome, affirmation and celebration of the presence and contribution of single people.  There is testimony that people can feel ‘less than’ in our church communities because they are single.

Revd Miriam Moul writes:

As someone who has never married and is a Presbyter, I found the debate on the Singleness Report at the Methodist Conference deeply moving. In part because others shared openly and vulnerably their own stories. Stories of pain and embarrassment, stories of not feeling valued or affirmed or celebrated. Stories that many who are single can identify with.

For example, being told you have ‘no family’ because you live alone; or being tapped on the stomach each Mothering Sunday and asked when you’re going to have a baby; being encouraged on dates by well-intentioned church members; or the common experience for single Deacons and Presbyters of living in large unsuitable Manses. The stories are many and they are uncomfortable to hear, yet they are the lived experience of those in membership and leadership within our Church.  In the debate at the Conference, we heard of ‘found families’, friends and colleagues who support single people wherever they are. For those who are single and particularly those in itinerant ministry, those ‘found families’ are our lifelines.

The conference has produced a report on singleness which we hope is just the start of a wider conversation and further work on singleness in the life of the Church.  Local churches and Circuits are invited to engage with the report and to offer feedback to the Secretary of the Faith and Order Committee by September 2025.

We hold each other in prayer and continue our Christian commitment to being the family of God in all our diversity.

Every blessing to you all.

Rev Alan and the Circuit Team


The latest Newsletter from Claire Biggs, our Childrens and Family Worker, is attached.


Summer Sanctuary Invitation from Claire Biggs

This is an online space that opens for prayer and reflection for any parents or carers who feel they need it over the summer holidays. Anyone who may feel isolated if they are at home all day with the children or just need to see another adult face. We meet every Tuesday Evening,  8.40pm from 30th July through the summer holidays. For more details contact Claire Biggs.
Passcode : 551806


The Vale Of Stour Circuit Ramblers are holding walks of an hour in length, once a month from August to December, on various Saturdays, as shown hereWalks cost £1, with all proceeds donated to the Paul Ackrill Fund : "Helping young people fighting cancer".
Walk details from Margaret Stevens - 07986 566134


Brierley Hill Methodist Church will be hosting a Summer BBQ on Sunday 21st July, following the morning service, from 1pm till 3.30pm and including a short praise service.  This is a free event for the local community and Churches, and, hopefully weather permitting, we will need help to get ready !
If you are intending to come along spread the word to others and bring them with you !
And please let me know approx. numbers for catering purposes !! (

Wesley Methodist Church

Accord” invite you to travel with them ‘Around the World in Music’ on Wednesday 24th July at 7:15pm at Wesley Methodist Church.
Light refreshments will be served during the interval. Tickets £5 available via church members.

Gig Mill Summer Get-Together – Saturday 27th July

You are invited to a Gig Mill Summer Get-Together on Saturday 27th July from 12 noon to 3pm at 19-21 Norton Road, Stourbridge.

An Afternoon of Fun, Food and Fellowship!  Lunch will be available - Spaghetti Bolognaise, or Vegetarian option with Rice - and cake and refreshments.
A Tombola will be available - any kind offers of extra prizes, please ring 01384 621294! 

There is no charge, though any donations will be given to local Charities.  A Poster is attached.

Headlight - Music and Singing for the Mind – 28th July (and every 4th Sunday until October)

All welcome at Amblecote Wordsley Methodist Church on Sunday 28th July at 3.30pm for tea and Coffee with communal singing and entertainment from 4-5pm.

Action for Children Appeal

The AFC reps are planning to hold an Autumn coffee morning with gift stalls in October (details coming soon).

We are on the lookout for donations of small tombola prizes and bottles for 2 of our stalls (obviously no alcohol) and cake makers nearer to the date.
If you can help with any of these requests, we would be very grateful. Please arrange drop off/collection through Claire Biggs ( or 07542 062603)

Items can be dropped at New Road on a Thursday morning during the coffee morning 10-11.30 am (via Elaine or Claire) – I also hope to be at the circuit service on 7th July – thank you in advance for your support.

Claire and the AFC team


Amblecote Wordsley Methodist Church are now holding Foodbank CollectionsTuesdays from 1:30pm till 4pm.

Activities at Brierley Hill Methodist Church

Brierley Hill Methodist Church begin a weekly Men’s Fellowship Group, on Tuesdays from 2:00pm-3:30pm.  Initial activities are Chess, Dominoes, Local History or Current Affairs, Music, Poetry, Quizzes, Bible study and Bible meditation.  A leaflet is attached here with more information"All are welcome in this place."

Activities at Providence Methodist Church

Providence Fellowship Group extend a very warm welcome for anyone to come along and share time together, held on alternate Mondays from 10.30am till 12noon. There is normally a speaker. Refreshments are available. For more information please contact Judith Morris 01384 561020.

Providence Brunch Club will be restarting again in March 2024, weather permitting. See the attached poster for more details.

Activities at The United Church Lye

First Tuesday of the month - 2-3 pm Tuesday Club, informal gathering with different activities each month. Cost is £2 : contact Jacqueline Hill for details 0780 1030844 or Elizabeth Long 07928 808772.

Third Tuesday - Discussion Group 7-8pm (very informal, Bible based) contact Revd Chris on 07708 750142

The Luncheon Club now meets each Friday at 11am, 3 course meal plus friendship all for £5. Contact Margaret Mullett on 07904 514764.

Events are open to all.

Friday afternoon Fellowship and Bible Study at Wesley

This group has been running for a while now and new members are always welcome.

We meet weekly at 1.30pm at Wesley Methodist Church, Mount Pleasant, Quarry Bank.
There is informal fellowship over a beverage, time to pray together, and discussion of a Bible passage.
On 5th July we start a six-session course looking at Psalms 1 and 2 in detail, presented on video by Desi Maxwell of Xplorations Ministries. Desi is an engaging speaker who will help you see Scripture in a new light.

If you are free on Friday afternoons and have a desire to know the Bible better, then we look forward to seeing you.
Just turn up or contact Martyn Filsak for more information.


VOS Virtual Platform - Please Make Use of the Circuit Online Meeting Space - It's free, funded by the circuit...

Alongside VoSWorship, the Circuit Platform has been undergoing an update thanks to the CTC team and I encourage churches to use this FREE resource - funded by the circuit for online gatherings such as Bible Study, Prayer, Games Nights etc.  It's a fantastic and easy to use environment and there are many folk already trained across the circuit who can open a room for you to host your event / meeting.

God bless you all and may you know the sustaining presence of God in your lives.

Rev Alan Combes

ONLINE Service

We are no longer providing a weekly pre-recorded circuit service.  However, for anyone unable to attend church or access online services; we attach a full text version of a service for you to use at home.

We also recommend any of the following for those of you still unable to get to church :

ONLINE Service Live-streamed from Kinver.

This will be the first video (on the left) under UPLOADS > PLAY ALL at the following site :

The most recent online services are the other videos found on the same page.

The dates of all the Kinver services are shown beneath each video thumbnail.

Wesley's Chapel’s YouTube channel has a livestreamed service at 11am on Sundays and Morning Prayer services the rest of the week at 10am.
Again, this will be the first video (on the left) under HOME > Past live streams, and the most recent online services are the other videos found on the same page.

The dates of all the Wesley services are shown beneath each video thumbnail.

All previously archived live-streamed and recorded services can be found on the Circuit Website Virtual Player:

Order of Service
For anyone unable to attend or watch any services in person, this week's full Order of Service is here.

Coffee and a Chat

If you are interested in online coffee on a Sunday, please talk to any of the circuit staff and let us know what time would work for you and we can look at a time that would suit the majority of people.

Thanks to all those working in the background.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday as we continue to pray for our communities, the church and ourselves.

God bless

Rev Alan and the Team



Ministers' and Preachers' Reflections, Sermons, and Orders of Service

For earlier Worship Resources and Reflections, see the archive page here.